History of Bethel Park Camp

In September 1904, the Pittsburgh conference of the Evangelical Association adopted the resolution to select a site for a camp meeting in the vicinity of Johnstown. Rev. J.W. Richards was the presiding elder of the Johnstown District and felt that Bedford County was the best prospect.

In 1906, John M. Reynolds of Spring Meadow, agreed to let the committee try out their camp meeting idea in his grove. In 1907, the camp meeting met in the grove for the second year.

In 1908, the camp meeting was to be moved, and God opened the door and Brother F.S. Bender offered to give ten acres of ground of the present site. Later, six more acres were purchased from F.S. Bender which makes up the present Camp Meeting grounds.

Purpose of Bethel Park Camp

Our pupose is to proclaim the Gospel. We emphasize a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God whose shed blood on the cross cleanses us from all sin. Jesus is the Savior, the one and only way to heaven. We also emphasize the need for believers to live a holy life as taught in the Bible, the inspired Word of God.

All adults, youth, and children of all ages are invited to participate in Bible Study, Worship Services, and Fellowship.


Camp Officers